土耳其致力拓展國內外水產品市場 地中海水產品出口聯盟主席肯定,土耳其過去十年的水產品產量自40萬公噸提升至100萬公噸,出口產值則自4,000萬美元衝至40,000萬美元的成績著實亮眼。土耳其水產負債整合品主要銷往杜拜、沙烏地阿拉伯、黎巴嫩、敘利亞、伊拉克、義大利、希臘及日本等國。該聯盟所屬的推廣機構為行銷土耳其水產品,過去兩年蒐集全球重要的市場資訊進行分析研究、每年編列100萬里拉景觀設計預算參加國際性展覽、印製如英、俄、阿拉伯等多語簡介分送歐洲及中東等地;對國內水產品消費市場,則以現在每人8公斤的水產品消費量提高到至少10公斤為目標。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 保濕面膜23/2010)TURKEY PROMOTES SEAFOOD AT LOCAL AND GLOBAL MARKETSTurkey has shown a significant increase in production and export of fishery products over thelast 10 years, according 信用貸款to the chairman of the Mediterranean Fishery Products Exporters’Union. Exports of fishery products have increased to US$400 million, up from US$40 million,over the last 10 years, 酒店經紀while production rose from 400,000 MT to 1 million MT. Turkeyexports fishery products to many countries, including Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria,Iraq, Italy, Greece and 借款Japan.A promotion group established by the union has conducted important research over the last twoyears, and allocated 1 million Turkish Liras for its annual budget to promote 褐藻醣膠Turkey’s fisheryproducts, mainly at international fairs. The group also publishes booklets in different languages,such as Russian, English and Arabic, and distributes them 房屋出租throughout Europe and the MiddleEast.Besides promotion conducted in other countries, the group is also trying to increase fishconsumption in the domestic market. It aims to 西裝外套increase the current per capita fish consumption of 8 kilograms to at least 10 kilograms.

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